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Magna Power

Magna Power manufactures solar power lighting systems as a solution for people living with erratic and unreliable electric supply. Our company uses state of the art solar, CFL and LED technology to produce high quality, dependable and durable products at affordable prices. We offer solar lanterns, home lighting systems as well as power packs to satisfy various needs of our customers.

When the sunlight falls on solar cells it generates electricity. These solar photovoltaic cells are semiconductor devices, made of silicon and have the property of emitting electrons when exposed to the sun. This in turn generates electricity. Solar cells when connected in series and laminated with toughened glass at top and tedlar at bottom make a solar module.

The generated electricity can either be used during the sunshine hours or stored in the batteries, so that it can be used later on. Our solar systems have negligible running cost, are pollution free, safe, easy to operate, long lasting and designed to meet Indian weather condition.

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